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Small business rate relief

Summary of small business rate relief available

The following two tables summarise the relief that is available: 

Relief available to small businesses from 1 April 2017

Rateable Value

From 1 April 2017

Less than or equal to £12,000

  • exempt from small business supplement
  • plus 100% relief

Greater than £12,000 and less than £15,001

  • exempt from small business supplement
  • relief granted on a tapering scale

Greater than or equal to £15,000 and less than £51,000

  • exempt from small business supplement

Relief available to small businesses 2016/17

Rateable Value


Less than or equal to £6,000

  • exempt from small business supplement
  • plus 100% relief

Greater than £6,000 and less than £12,000

  • exempt from small business supplement
  • plus more than 1% for every £120 in rateable value

Greater than or equal to £12,000 and less than £18,000

  • exempt from small business supplement