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Homelessness - duty to refer

Local connections

Although anyone can apply to us as homeless, it's preferable to apply where there's a local connection. This is because there are more housing options likely to be available.

A local connection applies if a person has:

  • lived in this area for 6 out of the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years
  • a job in the area (except casual work)
  • close relatives which have lived in the area for at least 5 years

Living in a hospital, prison or approved premises does not give a local connection.

If you're unsure which council covers an address you can look this up on the governments website. (opens new window)

We may refer a person to an area where there is a safe local connection if a person is:

  • homeless
  • has no local connection

Care leavers and local connection

A young person who left care will have a local connection if they are:

  • under 21
  • living in a different area to the local authority that owes them leaving care duties for at least two years, including some time before they turned 16

If the children's services authority is a county council, the young person will have a local connection with every borough or district council within the area of the children's services authority.

For more information contact us using our customer services online form (opens new window) or email