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Unauthorised Encampment at GPA Car Park

We're aware of the Unauthorised Encampment at GPA Car Park. We're managing this with the support of Surrey Police. (opens new window)

Anti-social behaviour case review

What happens after an ASB Case Review has been activated?

Once we receive your ASB case review submission, we will;

  • respond within 3 working days outlining the process and timescales for the full response
  • provide you with a named contact of the person who will dealing with your case
  • speak to you to get a better understanding of the issue and carry out a risk assessment. 

Your submission will then be passed to an ASB case review panel, to asses whether it meets the threshold.

If your submission does meet the threshold and is accepted;

  • the panel will meet to review the case and agree an action plan if applicable
  • we will contact you with the outcome of the panel meeting within 25 working days. 

If your submission does not meet the threshold and is rejected, we will;

  • provide suitable advice to help you manage the issues
  • signpost you to agencies who may be able to offer support.

What if I'm not happy with the decision?

You have the right to appeal the panel's decisions.

To appeal, please contact the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner for Surrey (opens new window)

Additional support 

Victims of anti-social behaviour can access free advice and support: