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Yellow weather warning for Guildford

The Met Office (opens new window) has issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice on Saturday 4 January to Sunday 5 January. Read our advice during severe weather.

Submit a Freedom of Information request

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 (opens new window) helps the Council to be open and accountable. Under this act you can request any information held by us unless the information exempt from disclosure to the public. 

Requests for environmental information is subject to the Environmental Information Regulations (opens new window)

Before making a FOI request, check our transparency pages and past requests as the information may be already published. 

View previous answers to requests

Before submitting a FOI it's worth checking to see if your question has already been answered. 

Search our disclosure log (opens new window)

Submit a new request

We will respond to your request within 20 working days of receiving a valid submission to:

  • give you the information, or 
  • let you know that we're unable to provide it and why

You may ask for any information. All valid FOI requests and responses will be published online. 

Submit a FOI request online


Refusing a request

There are some circumstances where we will not be able to provide the information you have requested. This includes: 

  • if we do not hold the information 
  • if the information has been destroyed due to data retention policies 
  • if the information requested falls under an exemption of the Freedom of Information Act 

Vexatious Requests 

We won't respond to requests that are deemed to be vexatious. These include: 

  • relatively trivial requests 
  • the applicant is unwilling to clarify their request 
  • a request containing threatening of abusive language
  • a request that puts a strain on time and resources 
  • a request that betrays a personal grudge against an employee or Councillor 
  • unreasonable persistence with an issue that has been dealt with 
  • frequent correspondence about the same issue
  • the requester that is 'fishing' for information without any idea of what might be revealed 
  • the requester is abusing access rights to vent anger at a decision 
  • the issue has already been resolved or independently investigated. 

Resolving issues with your request

If you do not agree with the way we have dealt with your request, you may write back to us to ask us to review our original decision.

An officer who did not deal with your original request will review it and will write to you to let you know if the original decision will be upheld, or whether they have reached a different conclusion.

Please state clearly that you are asking for an "Internal Review" and provide a copy of your correspondence with the Council.

If you have asked for an internal review and are not satisfied with the outcome, you may appeal to the Information Commissioner's Office.